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What is a coach? 

Simply stated, a coach is a partner and support system available to help you define a path to becoming the very best you.  As your personal coach, I will help you to better define the goals you are looking to achieve and identify the obstacles that are getting in your way. Together, we’ll develop a strategy to help you overcome those obstacles and maximize your potential. 

What to expect.

During each session, we'll focus on what's most important to you. Period. As part of our in-depth discussions, I'll ask you challenging and thought-provoking questions in order to help you move forward. Sometimes, you'll leave our conversations with “homework” in the form of actionable steps. Other times, you’ll simply leave feeling “lighter” with a sense of weight having been lifted off of your shoulders. 

What’s the process?

We'll start with a 30-minute introductory call.  During the first session, I’ll tell you a little bit more about myself. Also, as part of the intake process, I’ll look to gain a better understanding of what you’re looking to accomplish. 

After our initial conversation, if you decide to proceed with the coaching process, I'll send you an agreement to review and return.  Once you’ve made a decision regarding the number of coaching sessions that you’re interested in, we'll get right to it!  On occasion, I may recommend some pre-work assessments based on the goals we’ve discussed.

Coaching Specialties

Career Focused Coaching  / Finding Your Happiness / Balance - Home and Work 

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